
Titles – Font Name & Weight

H1 – I now understand that focusing on the past or future mindlessly is a waste of time. All that matters is how well I’m able to experience what I’m doing now.

H2 – I now understand that focusing on the past or future mindlessly is a waste of time. All that matters is how well I’m able to experience what I’m doing now.

H3 – I now understand that focusing on the past or future mindlessly is a waste of time. All that matters is how well I’m able to experience what I’m doing now.

H4 – I now understand that focusing on the past or future mindlessly is a waste of time. All that matters is how well I’m able to experience what I’m doing now.

Body TextFont Name & Weight

Mollis pretium lorem primis senectus habitasse lectus scelerisque donec ultricies tortor suspendisse adipiscing fusce morbi volutpat pellentesque consectetur mi risus molestie curae malesuada. Dignissim lacus convallis massa mauris enim ad mattis magnis senectus montes mollis taciti phasellus accumsan bibendum semper blandit suspendisse faucibus.

Vivamus integer non suscipit taciti mus etiam at primis tempor sagittis sit euismod libero facilisi aptent elementum felis blandit cursus gravida sociis erat ante eleifend lectus nullam dapibus netus feugiat curae curabitur est ad. Massa curae fringilla consectetur porttitor quam sollicitudin iaculis aptent ligula euismod dictumst penatibus mauris eros praesent erat volutpat.

Dit is een citaat

Global Colors


Text Link

Link Hover

Text Lite

Text Lite Hover


Headline Hover


Button Hover

Background Body

Background Dark

Background Lite

Primary Accent

Secondary Accent


Kleurensysteem aanpassen zie ook Kyle en Design course


Buttons met global style

Primary Button Secondary Button Secondary Button Icon & text


H1 – 700
Size – 40/36
LH – 1.1

Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.

H2 – 600
Size – 32/28
LH – 1.2

Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.

H3 – 600
Size- 26/24
LH – 1.3

Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.

H4 – 600
Size – 21/21
LH – 1.4

Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.

Body – 400
Size – 19px
LH – 1.5
PM – 1.2

Curae fringilla porttitor quam sollicitudin iaculis aptent leo ligula euismod dictumst penatibus mauris eros etiam praesent volutpat posuere metus fringilla ullamcorper odio sociis aliquam lacinia conubia mauris tempor etiam ultricies proin quisque.

Pretium lorem primis senectus eros habitasse lectus scelerisque donec ultricies tortor suspendisse adipiscing leo fusce morbi volutpat pellentesque consectetur odio risus molestie curae malesuada dignissim lacus convallis eros massa mauris.

Buttons – 600
Size – 19px
